Let me just say upfront that I'm a liar. And I don't mean like, "No, of course I didn't break your vase, mother dearest. That was brother dearest." I mean like, "No, of course I didn't mean to hurt you."
Which is a lie and a truth at the same time, but that's not the point here.
The point here is I'm a liar.
But here's the thing: You're a liar, too. You're a liar in the same way I'm a liar, but at the same time, you're a liar in so many other ways. And sometimes I think you don't mean to lie, but other times I know you do.
You have purposeful lies. Your lies have an agenda, and while usually innocent, sometimes they can hurt people.
Did you know that it's like a small knife in my gut every time you lie to me?
And let's not forget the way you manipulate people who know you well into confirming your lies. You twist information so much and combine stories to make things more believable, to the point you make people doubt their own memories.
I've already got memory problems. I don't need your silver tongue messing with my head even more.
And I know I sometimes get memories and dreams confused. I know my grip on reality is shaky at best. But let's not forget, darling, you haven't helped any.
I guess the point I'm trying to make here is I'm a liar, but I learned from the best.
Is this my post? Because I know that I m a liar, and I am sorry about it, but I am not going to change probably. I'm sorry about that, and that is the god honest truth.