take comfort in our rare smiles.

Dear you,

"Put on some pants."

That's how these things always start. You come over unannounced and give me the order that I know means we're going "out".

And of course I whine but I still put on some pants because that's just how these things work. You boss me. I complain. But we both know that even if you didn't nag me I would still put on pants and follow you.

We don't go anywhere important. That's not really the point of these adventures. We just walk and sometimes we end up at Walmart and spend too much money again on things that neither of us really need but both want or sometimes we'll go to McDonald's and we always get the twenty piece even though I don't really like the food there.

Sometimes we end up at your place because no one cares if we're a little loud when we laugh the way they do at mine. And it's fine if they all think I'm a slut for always showing up at midnight and not leaving until four in the morning. They don't have to know the truth.

The truth is that you've seen me in my underwear more than any other boy.
The truth is that you're my best friend but I can't say so except to you because some people would get jealous.
The truth is that I love you and I never want you to leave me.
The truth is that I like that I can tell you I love you and it doesn't get complicated because you know exactly the type of love I mean.
The truth is I love the naps we take in my bed more than I ever thought I would.
The truth is I still remember the exact number of freckles on your back (thirty-two).
The truth is that I really like that you know way more of my secrets than most other people.
The truth is that I still remember our first secret conversation at the park when you were drunk and I wasn't but I sure felt high.
The truth is that I just really hope we both find people to love us in the ways we can't love each other because we both deserve it.

The truth is I think you're beautiful. (And I'll put on pants for you any day.)



  1. Omg I'm like crying. That was beautiful.

  2. I absolutely love this. I wish I knew who you were so I could tell you good job in person.

  3. ahhhhhhhh. way to illustrate love.

  4. oh my....amazing. This whole thing...just amazing.

  5. Anonymous1:41 pm

    I was sweating like 8 minutes ago.

    I'm not sweating anymore, I'm cold.

    This was beautiful and not the way so many other things in the world are beautiful. This was real and innocent (which I don't sometimes expect from you, no offense). Anyway, I'll say it one more time. Beautiful.

    1. No offense taken, it's a fair assessment.

  6. Such a natural beauty. This post is like watching a sunset breathe.

  7. I found this very inspiring, because I really loved the way you knew exactly what you are doing and what you wanted even though the world might tell you that you were idly wasting your time. Incredible.

  8. whooooooooaaaaaa

    YES. just, yes. Wow.
    and @Priscilla Belle: WELL SAID #poeticblogcomments

  9. What am I supposed to do?

  10. love love love. especially, (And I'll put pants on for you any day) because that's so me.




My photo
I'm named after a flower. I have perpetual bedhead. I'm proficient in sophisticated malarkey. I have problems sleeping and swearing. I love plants and books. I want to go to Iceland.

this is important

"I'm still here because this is the rest of my life."

"I'm trying to be poetic because I'm trying to tell you the truth."