license and registration, please.

Dear you,

There are three basic qualities that someone who a person might like can potentially have, two qualities are allowed before they're illegal. You have four of these three qualities and it kills me, because no, you're too much for me to handle.

You're cute, smart, funny, and nice. And I hate to break it to you, but a police officer needs to pull you over stat because that isn't allowed. You can have two, pick two. But no, you don't follow rules. You just want to ruin my life.

Only not really, because I don't think you know you're illegal.

I didn't want to like anyone. Not after him, not after the way he jerked me around, the way he still jerks me around, the way he just dropped me like what I felt didn't matter and it was okay to just pretend I never said anything, the way he got a girlfriend out of nowhere and my heart sort of took two steps back and said wait a minute, no more of this.

But yet here we are, and I'm impatient.

Because you have four out of three qualities that kill me and you're also nerdy on top of that, which basically earns you five out of five stars on Amazon, would recommend, would buy again and again and again and again and you're illegal and bad for my heart. I just think you're really cute and you said you were self-conscious of your nose but you still let me draw it and I don't think you realize how much that sort of kicked my heart in the gut because damn, that's adorable, stop.

Stop stop stop

The police lights are flashing but you just keep ignoring them and speeding up like they aren't there, like there isn't a patrol car at all, like my heart doesn't even have laws.

And I don't know how to think of you and your disregard for my heart's laws because I don't know if you even know how much you speed in this 25 mph zone. So let me inform you, you're going a solid 72 mph and there are children crossing the street at 7AM but you don't care because it's only 6:59AM and you promise you'll swerve in time.

You make me so confused because you're so nice and sweet but yet at the same time I can't read you at all and I wonder if it's only me reading too much or too little or if I'm too insecure or if maybe the police are speeding too and breaking their own laws and these metaphors are getting way out of hand and I'm not even sure I understand them anymore.

All I really know is I can't stop thinking about the way your lips had felt on mine that night when basically all my resolve shattered and I can't stop thinking about the way my arm fit perfectly on top of yours while we were sleeping and I can't stop wondering if you ever look at me when I'm not paying attention or ever catch me looking at you when I think you aren't paying attention and I can't stop wondering, wondering, wondering and the lights are flashing and they're blinding me and you and all I know is maybe it isn't you who's spending in the 25 mph zone but me, because like I said

I'm impatient.

I just want you to give me a hint that maybe I might be illegal for your heart too and maybe you think about my lips half as much as I think about yours.



  1. I've been reading your blog for quite some time now. You are one of my favorites, and it makes me really happy that you keep posting. Never stop posting.

  2. Partners in crime. Love this.




My photo
I'm named after a flower. I have perpetual bedhead. I'm proficient in sophisticated malarkey. I have problems sleeping and swearing. I love plants and books. I want to go to Iceland.

this is important

"I'm still here because this is the rest of my life."

"I'm trying to be poetic because I'm trying to tell you the truth."