Here's a list of things that are easy to say to you:
-- "you're my best friend"
-- anything about the boys who came before you, because they aren't around anymore and they don't matter
-- "how was your day"
-- what makes me mad
-- "I love you"
-- funny jokes
-- what makes me happy
-- how nice your hair is
-- "thanks"
-- butt jokes
Here's a list of things that are hard to say to you:
-- "you're taking up the whole bed"
-- anything regarding how emotionally fragile I actually am
-- "I have to leave"
-- what makes me embarrassed
-- telling you when you have something on your face
-- asking you if you're done with me yet
-- "shut up"
-- what makes me sad
-- "goodbye"
-- "draw four"
Love this too much. Too real right now.