igniting threads of desire.

Dear you,

I want to kiss you

and I don't mean just kiss you I mean

     I want to kiss you like we invented it
            like we just barely figured out
            what it is
            where you press your lips against someone else's
                                             and find a part of their soul
                                                        and call it your own

     I want to kiss you
                 like I've never kissed before
                 like those other kisses didn't happen
                 like maybe I'm still in preschool
                 like I've been waiting to get kissed for thirty years
            like maybe I don't know what I'm doing

    I want to kiss you
            so much our lips
            are left swollen and burning
                        with no way to heal
            except to silently pray
            with your lips
                 pressed against mine

     I want your lips against mine
            and your lips on my neck
                 and at the hallow of my throat
                 and I want your lips on my forehead

     I want your lips to go exploring
                 and discover pieces of my skin
                                I didn't know existed
            and then maybe
                 tell me about those pieces
                 with your lips

     I want you to kiss me
                 until my lips
                 can only speak
                 of the way yours
             felt on mine

     I want to kiss you
                 the way newly weds kiss
                 the way junior high kids kiss
                 the way old married couples kiss
                 the way people kiss after a fight
            the way only I know how to kiss

     I want your lips
            and my lips
                 to find the universe inside
                            each other's lungs

     I want you to know
            what it's like
                 when my lips tremble
            from nervous laughter
            after that first kiss in the dark
     and I want to know
            what it's like
                 when your lips stumble
            and find the corner of my mouth
                            because you can't see

     I want to kiss you
            like we're dying
                 and we want our last breath
                 to be the last thing we share

     I want you to kiss me
            when I'm crying
                 and my lips taste like salt
            when I'm smiling
                 and you kiss some of my teeth
                 instead of my lips
     and I want to kiss you
            when you're afraid
                 and don't know quite how to go on
            when you're cold
                 and your teeth are chattering
                 before I warm you up

     I want to kiss you
             and let my lips take you to unimaginable places
                 far from where we are
             to noisy country fairs and silent dark streets
                                    to drown out everything else
                                    or just make something new
     and I want you to kiss me
             hard enough that I can barely breathe
                 so my lips always have yours
                                   lingering on them

     I want to kiss you
             so much that your lips
                 and my lips
             have matching callouses

I want to kiss you
            like I want you
     and you want me



  1. This is my favorite post of yours. I know I always forget to comment, but I worship your blog. You are so new and unique.

  2. I freaking love how you write.




My photo
I'm named after a flower. I have perpetual bedhead. I'm proficient in sophisticated malarkey. I have problems sleeping and swearing. I love plants and books. I want to go to Iceland.

this is important

"I'm still here because this is the rest of my life."

"I'm trying to be poetic because I'm trying to tell you the truth."